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We help top tier industry leaders achieve nationwide benchmark standards in their identification and management of risk.

What we Do

We lead industry leaders in establishing a culture of care and developing a united workforce who can define risk, perceive risk and manage risk.

Creating value through our JobReady programs

Define your Risk, Perceive your Risk, Manage your Risk!

Organisational Strategy

Commitment to visible leadership, creating value through workforce engagement.

Major Project H&S Services

Developing your H&S Framework through national benchmarking.

Australian Wind Construction Forum

Leading the industry in best practices and proactive initiatives within the wind industry.


Keeping you Conscious & Compliant

Workforce engagement is an essential part of managing risk and achieving compliance within your industry. As a key stakeholder, Risk Services Australia helps you in identifying opportunity, negotiating benefit, leading change and driving performance to achieve strategic outcomes in safety performance for your organisation and your staff.

Risk Services Australia is your Risk Management Champion

James Thomas is your industry leader, and director of Risk Services Australia.

James offers a down to earth approach that is grounded in industry knowledge and practical experience. RSA has a track record in collaborating with companies of all sizes, and working on projects up to the $billion scale.

Tangible results you can expect to see when working with Risk Services Australia include:

  • Clarity – no more workplace confusion when it comes to risk management
  • Simplifying of systems
  • Optimise H&S overheads
  • Instil commitment NOT complexity
  • A motivated workforce
  • Boost efficiency and lower cost

Risk Services Australia Director, James Thomas, is proud to have contributed value to the following organisations through projects, engagement, consultation and association:


H&S Improvement

From an organisational assessment of compliance and exposure to risk, we offer industry leading improvement strategy development and support.


H&S Development

We develop nationally benchmarked, simple, streamlined, value adding systems that are integrated into how you do business, minimising impact and interruption. 


H&S Implementation

We provide industry leading Audits, Inspections and Training & Risk Assessment facilitation. Risk Services Australia has an extensive track record in project and contractor management.

Our Expertise is your Solution

Through improvement, development and implementation, Risk Services Australia helps you minimise risk and develop sustainable improvement strategies.

Risk Services Australia has developed H&S improvement implementation strategies for LNG projects, mines, contractors, and a multinational corporation through Asia Pacific.

We build improvement into existing overheads and improve your safety performance through enhancing your communication strategies, training and visible leadership.

We believe you can influence any organisation through a committed, united leadership model with a clear, sustainable H&S strategy and objective. Risk management is a 360 degree responsibility, from the worker on the ground, through to company leadership and back again.

Get In Touch

Is your workforce JobReady?

From mindset through to practical application, these training and development programs target the achievement of Zero Incidents Injuries (Zero II)

Mark Mangham

Health and Safety Consultant, QA Coordinator, HASANZ Registered, ProNZISM

James is well informed and was dedicated to the project, his focus on detail and improvement processes was great.

It was a pleasure to work alongside side James, and would look forward to working with him again in the future.

Adam Barber ME CPEng RPEQ

Construction Superintendent – Santos GLNG

James is a technically competent, committed & influential H&S professional who’s ongoing positive influence has been a key factor in improving the Santos GLNG project safety performance. I enjoyed working with James & appreciate his support over the years.

Todd Reinke

ES&H Superviser Bechtel Organisation

Construction of GLNG was challenging on so many levels. James was the client representative who bridged the challenges and assisted in reaching solutions. It was with James support that we were able to carry out the OSBL scope of work safely, including six million man hours without a Lost Time Injury. I look forward to working with James again.

Murray Offen

Director at Concrete Evidence Pty Ltd

James was the Client Safety Manager who assisted Concrete Evidence in achieving a zero injury safety record on the Ravensworth Expansion Project.

He worked closely with our project team, was always positive and an influential H&S leader across the project.

Sean Wardman

Director at McDonald Wardman

I have worked with many people in large organisations and small and have never witnessed greater professionalism and commitment than James. Composed and resolute no matter what the consequence of maintaining his integrity and workplace safety. I believe that James has saved lives with this commitment. You will know you’re in the right hands if you’re dealing with James Thomas.

Louis Pukallus

Occupational Safety and Health Specialist, Bechtel.

I recommend with concerted effort that James is a precise and particular individual who has H&S values and driven principles with respective work ethos, over viewing an individual, personally inspired H&S culture.
Be prepared to be lifted to the next H&S level with James’s involvement!

Tim A.

Health & Safety Professional

James was my Safety Manager at Port Hedland in 2018 for a harbour dredging and reclamation project. James is a strong leader who demonstrates a high degree of emotional intelligence, an end to end knowledge of safety systems and proved to be committed to growing those around him to become their best.

Ready to work with us?

RSA Capability Statement

Download our full capability statement for more information about our Director, James Thomas, the complete offering Risk Services Australia can provide your company, and how we can work together to take your business to the next level of risk management, efficiency and exceptional leadership.

Latest News

Commitment NOT Complexity

“H&S systems are getting too complex”, is something I am hearing from H&S professionals & management alike.
H&S Frameworks should be simple, streamlined and value adding.

read more

Define your Risk, Perceive your Risk, Manage your Risk!

Please call or email us to discuss how we can assist with your business needs. From motivation to education, influence to implementation, we are here to help.

James Thomas, Director and H&S Leader


0457 083 590